
Júlia Villám-Pethő, Dr.
HLE Secretary
Vice Presidents

Dezső Havasi, Dr.
President, Hungarian Bar Association

Ádám Tóth, Dr.
President, Hungarian Chamber of Civil Law Notaries

István Lajtár, Dr.
Deputy to the Prosecutor General in public law matters

Mariann Dzsula, Dr.
Members of the Presidium

Géza Bartal, Dr.
President of Chamber, Curia

Judit, Lévayné dr. Fazekas, Dr.

György Senyei, Dr.

Ágnes Czine, Prof. Dr.
Member of the Constitutional Court

Kinga Ágnes Pázmándi, Dr. PhD.

Zoltán Tóth, Dr.
Presidents of the Regional Organisations
Ferenc Bicskei, Dr.
President of the Regional Court of Kecskemét, President of the Bács-Kiskun County Organisation

Lajos Cserba, Dr.
President of the regional bar association, President of the Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County Organisation

Csilla Dr. Nett Tavasziné, Dr.
Prosecutor at the county chief prosecution office, President of the Somogy County Organisation

Dr. Judit Kovácsfiné dr. Nagy
Deputy head of the Veszprém Prosecution Office, President of the Veszprém County Organisation

Anett Krizsán, Dr.
Director of the Government Office of Békés County, President of the Békés County Organisation
Tamás Szabó, Dr.
President of the regional bar association, President of the Tolna County Organisation

Dr. Márta Törőcsikné Prof. Dr. Görög
Professor and Head of Institute, University of Szeged, Faculty of Law, President of the Csongrád-Csanád County Organisation
László Szűcs, Dr.
Attorney-at-law, President of the Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County Organisation

Edina Vízler, Dr.
President of the District Court of Balassagyarmat, President of the Nógrád County Organisation
Ernő Csaba Szabó, Dr.
President of the Zala County Organisation

Tibor Becker, Dr.
President of the regional bar association, President of the Komárom-Esztergom County Organisation
Viktor Bóka, Dr.
Clerk of the Mayor’s Office of Székesfehérvár, President of the Fejér County Organisation

Ildikó Gulyásné, Dr. Birinyi
Deputy county chief prosecutor, President of the Hajdú-Bihar County Organisation

Tamás Sallai, Dr.
President of the District Court of Eger, President of the Heves County Organisation

Dr. Katalin Kozma Istvánné dr. Váradi
retired President of Regional Court Chamber, President of the Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County Organisation

József Molnár, Dr.
Attorney-at-law, President of the Budapest Organisation
János Spitz, Dr.
retired head of court division, President of the Vas County Organisation
László Gottlieb, Dr.
President of the Chamber, Győr Regional Court, President of the Győr-Moson-Sopron County Organisation

László Fülöp, Dr.
Attorney-at-law, President of the Pest County Organisation
György Varga-Koritár, Dr.
County chief prosecutor, President of the Baranya County Organisation
Supervisory Board
Éva Herbert, Dr.
Chairman of the Supervisory Board

Ottó Csurgó, Dr.
Member of the Supervisory Board

Dr. Zsuzsanna Magyarádyné dr. Vándor
Member of the Supervisory Board
President of Chamber, Regional Court of Veszprém

Gábor Palatin, Dr.
Member of the Supervisory Board

Ágnes Hunyadi-Buzás, Dr.
Member of the Supervisory Board
retired President of Chamber, Regional Court of Eger
HLE Staff
Bernadett Abai
Project manager
Dr. Benisné dr.Győrffy Ilona
Presidential advisor
László Molnár
Katalin Gömör
Secretarial assistant
Annamária Dobrotka-Mayer, Dr.
Project manager
Zoltán Molnár, Dr.
Presidential advisor